And yes, I said hip-hop and not rap because that is completely different.
Atmosphere came out with a new CD that is only available online, as a free download. It's pretty quality stuff, if you know who Atmosphere is and what they're about. For those who don't, well in short they're a (slightly) underground hip-hop group out of Minnesnowta. (I don't need spell check on that one)
Some of my favorite songs are:
Little Math You
Get It To Get Her
You can find the album here:

And also as I was searching for the link to the Atmosphere album, I ran across a buddy of mine's blog. And his new album is out for download as well. This is kind of a shameless plug, but this guy is as underground as it gets. Straight out of Saginaw, MI, Johnny Capone (Aka A-Jon).
Some of my favorite songs:
"Phamous Fone #'s"
"Stop Laughing @ Me"
"Where You Can Go" (If you can get past the screaming in the chorus, there's also an a cappella verse at the end which is really deep.)
"Love Bugs Pt. 1-3" (Those were actually poems that he's written before)
That album can be found here:
How does one go about downloading these. The sites definitely aren't working for me :D
well for the second link, you can just click on the songs themselves and they should download...
other than that, I'm using Firefox...but I'd imagine that they would work in other browsers...they work for me :-/
Atmosphere=The Whip
downloading atmosphere right now! LOVE THAT SHIZ! im a big fan of there older stuff lets check this one out!
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