Jan 8, 2008

Match Maker

Okay so I know every one thinks your shoes have to match your bag but it's not!
don't get me wrong... matching your outfit to your handbag is good!
Ladies depending on the season, it's okay to wear your favorite trouser jeans with a red top and gold heals or if your feeling real spicy through in some blue pumps! It's time to get exciting with your wardrobe and spice them accessories up! Lets just say I don't wanna see you walking down the street with your red top, red pumps, and red hand bag. You look like a tomato! So next time you are throwing an outfit together make sure your hand bag and shoes DO NOT match!


Drewchu said...

i agree my matching hand bag looks horrible with my red shirt and red heels especially in the fall!

Anonymous said...

but they bring out your eyes!

DK the Destroyer said...

yeah, the heels on you Andrew just don't do their job.