Move over Resistance 2, there's a new sheriff in town -- well, at least for the Xbox 360 there is.

THQ and Kaos Studios' own Frontlines: Fuels of War will now be supporting 50 players on Xbox Live for the Xbox 360.

Though, this is still light compared to the PC version which supports 64 players.

The information comes from a developer of Kaos at their community forums

"Frontlines will in fact have some servers set to 50 players on the xbox. We have been testing for some time now and its on heck of an experience."

Frontlines: Fuels of War is scheduled to be released on February 22 for the Xbox 360 and PC. The PS3 version was canned last month due to undisclosed reasons (rumor has it was because of financial reasons).

Source: Kaos Studios


Anonymous said...

the game is fun. or at least the demo is...

DK the Destroyer said...

yeah, I have been having a lot of fun with the game also.

Anonymous said...
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