USA Today is reporting that Marvel Comics has decided to go through with the story arch that will remove all memories of Mary Jane from Peter Parker.

"We knew it would be a very controversial thing to do," says Joe Quesada, Marvel's editor in chief, who believed so much in the project that he drew the crucial issues himself. "Looking into the future, this is really the right thing to do for the long-term health of the character."

Quesada is steadfast that for Spider-Man, the move is the right one: "Ultimately we have to do this to keep this character fresh for this generation and generations to come."

Will comic fans accept the fate of the marriage Mary Jane and Spider-Man? So far, the result has been a negative one.

"People are very upset. They erased a lot of stuff that had been set in stone," says John Newman, manager of Ultimate Comics in Chapel Hill, N.C., on Wednesday as customers came in to buy the opening chapter of Brand New Day. To help emphasize the new start, Amazing Spider-Man will go thrice-monthly.

Well, Marvel Comics is surely trying new things out; first Captain America dies and now Spider-Man loses his true love -- what's next, Wolverine starts to plant flowers and cry at the sunset?