Darth Vader and Yoda will be appearing in the upcoming Soul Calibur IV games.

Darth Vader is exclusive for the PS3.
Yoda is exclusive to the Xbox 360.

Lucas Arts and Namco Bandai might end up delivering the opposite as download content for the consoles, but it hasn't been determined yet; so as of day one, each console has an exclusive.

As stated by 1up.com, "Yes, we know what you're thinking. You're thinking "What the hell are Darth Vader and Yoda doing in my Soul Calibur sequel?" But how are these two any less logical (or illogical) than Link or Spawn (we'll let Heihachi slide since he's in Tekken)? You're probably also wondering "Where the damn is Luke Skywalker, Darth Maul and Boba Fett?" Well, Boba Fett doesn't really use melee weapons, unless you count that stick on his back that he never uses. But Luke and Darth maul make a lot of sense. While we can't answer all of these questions just now, we suspect that Namco Bandai still has plenty of stuff up their sleeve. Given their recent Ace Combat 6 shenanigans, we wouldn't be surprised to learn that additional Star Wars characters are paid-for downloadable content. It's unlikely that the company would go through all these negotiations with LucasArts to obtain the rights to only two characters, so expect more announcements as we get closer to SCIV's release date."

Sounds like SCIV is going to be one hell of a game.


Anonymous said...

I cannot wait for this game. Definitely one of my 3 360 games I'm going to own by the end of my high school career. haha